Status of the book of Sulaym bin Qays amongst the scholars
1. The book of Sulaym bin Qays was famous as the statement of ibn Al Ghazairi points to this fact too, where he says :
"And this famous book is attributed to him"
[Khulasatul Aqwal, pg 83]
2. Shaykh Najashi says :
"Here I mention our righteous early scholars who have written books and they are a few"
and then he counts the first generation and one of them is Sulaym, he says:
"Sulaym ibn Qays Al Hilali, he has a book, he was nicknamed Aba Sadiq, narrated to me Ali ibn Ahmad"
[Rijal of Al Najashi, pg 6]
3. Shaykh Tusi says :
"Sulaym ibn Qays Al-Hilali, nicknamed Aba Sadiq, he has a book that narrated to us ibn Abi Jayyid"
[Fihrist of Shaykh Tusi, pg 81, 336]
The statements of the two Sheikhs, Al Najashi and Al Tusi emphasizes upon the correctness of the attribution of the book to its author and the way that the book ended in their hands. Specially the statement of Al Najashi who counts him among the righteous early authors.
4. Shaykh Numani says :
"There is no dispute among the Shia that the book of Sulaym bin Qays Al Hilali is considered as one of the biggest books of Usool of the doctrine of the Shia that has been narrated by scholars and the carriers of the narrations of Ahlulbayt (as) and the oldest of those Usool. All that is mentioned in the book has been narrated from the Prophet (saws), Imam Ali (as), Miqdad (ra), Salman al Farsi (ra), Abu Dharr (ra) and their likes, who have accompanied the Prophet (saws) and Amir ul Mo'mineen (as). It is one of the original sources (ie. Usool) that the Shia have depended on and referred to"
[Al Ghaybah of Numani, pg 61]
5. Hafiz Muhammad ibn Shahr Ashoub says :
"Sulaym ibn Qays Hilali the owner of narrations and he has a book"
[Maalim Al Ulama, pg 58, 390]
6. Sayyed Jamaluddin Ahmad ibn Musa Aal Tawoos says in his book Hall Al Ishkaal in what quotes him the author of Al-Ma'aalim in Tahrir Al Tawoosi :
"The book itself attests to his great personality and the authenticity of his book"
[Tahrir al Tawoosi, pg 136, 175]
[Tanqih al Maqaal, v 2, pg 52]
7. Allamah Taqi Majlisi says :
"The two great Sheikhs have testified to the authenticity of his book, even though the content of the book in itself is a proof for its authenticity"
[Rawdhatul Muttaqeen, v 14, pg 372]
And it has been reported from him too :
"It is enough for its authenticity that the two truthful Sheikhs, Al Kulayni and Al Sadooq ibn Babawayh have trusted this book, and this Asl is with me and its content is a proof for its authenticity"
[Tanqih Al Maqaal, v 2, pg 53]
8. Shaykh Hurr Amili says :
"The fourth point in mentioning the reliable books that I have narrated from them the narrations of this collection and their authors and others have testified to their authenticity and other evidences point to their correctness and their Tawatur from their authors, or the authenticity of their attribution to their authors is known in a manner that remains no doubt about it, like the existence of the their manuscripts by the hand write of great scholars and the frequent mentioning of those books in their books and their testimony for the correctness of their attribution to their authors and the matching of their content with the narrations of other reliable books, or their narration through a single chain, but supported with other evidences and so on"
Then he mentions those books until he says:
"And the book of Sulaym ibn Qays al Hilali"
[Wasail ush Shi'a, v 20, pg 36, 42]
9. Mohaqqiq Syed Mustafa Tafrishi says :
"And the truth is evident in the content of the narrations of this book from its beginning to the end"
[Naqd al Rijal, pg 159]
10. Syed Hashim Bahrani says :
"And it (ie. the Book of Sulaym) is a famous and reliable book that the scholars have narrated from it in their books"
[Ghayatul Maram, pg 546 of the chp 54 of the Merits of Amir ul Momineen (as)]
11. Allamah Baqir Majlisi has narrated the entire book of Sulaym in different volumes of his book Bihar Al-Anwar and he has counted the book among his sources at the introduction of his book Al-Bihar and says :
"The Book of Sulaym ibn Qays Al Hilali is extensively famous, and it is truly of the reliable Usool"
And his student Sheikh Abdullah Bahrani says the same in Awalim Al-Uloom
[Bihar Al Anwar, v 1, pg 32]
[Awalim Al Uloom, v 1, pg 17]
He says in another position :
"The book is famous among the scholars of Hadeeth, Al Kulayni and Al Sadooq and other early scholars have trusted the book, and most of its narrations match with other narrations that have been narrated through Saheeh (Authentic) chains in reliable Usool"
And Sheikh Yusuf Bahrani says the same in Al Durar Al Najafiyya
[Bihar Al Anwar, v 8 pg 198]
[Durar Al Najafiyya, pg 281]
12. Syed al Khoei says :
"Sulaym ibn Qays himself is an esteemed trustworthy person of high position, and the testimony of Al Barqi is enough that he was of the Awliya (ie. very special companions) of the Commander of the Faithful (as), it is also supported with what Numani says about his book, and Allamah (ie. Hilli) has mentioned him in the first part of his book and attests his uprightness, as for ibn Dawood, he mentions him in both parts of his book (ie. trustworthy and not trustworthy people) and we do not see it to be correct in any way. The Book of Sulaym as Numani mentions is of the reliable Usool, rather of the biggest Usool and all of what is in it, is Saheeh (Authentic) and its narrations have been issued from the Infallibles (as) or from those who are attested and their narrations are accepted, and the author of Wasail mentions it in the Fourth Lesson, among reliable books that the evidences confirm their authenticity and they have been narrated in Mutawatir form from their authors or the correctness of attribution to their authors is established in a way that it remains no doubt"
[Mujam rijal al hadith, v 9, pg 230]
13. Mohaqqiq Haydar Ali Shirawani at the end of Risala called, "A Rislala about the method of extracting rulings from the sources during the time of Occultation" He says in it :
"This way the authenticity of the Book of Sulaym ibn Qays Hilali is known, because it has been narrated through several Hasan and Saheeh (Good and Authentic) chains from the trustworthy and significant companions of Aimmah (as) like Umar ibn Uzaina and, the narrations are many in different topics and about very key issues, so how can those narrations be hidden from the A'immah (as) and that they have turned a blind eye to those narrations and did not prohibit those narrations and did not prohibit narrating it and the belief in its authenticity"
[The end of the Manuscript of the Risala in the library of Sheikh Haydar in Qom]
14. Mohaqqiq Mir Hamed Hussain Kanhuhi Al Hindi says :
"The Book of Sulaym ibn Qays, what we can say about it is that it is the oldest and superior to all books of Hadeeth of Imamiyyah, as Al Majlisi has confessed to it in the volume of Al Fitan of his book Bihar"
[Abaqaat Al Anwar, v 2, pg 61]
And he says in Istiqsaa Al Ifhaam :
"Most of the narrations of the book of Sulaym are supported by other Saheeh (Authentic) and reliable narrations"
[Istiqsaa Al Ifhaam, v 1, pg 579]
15. Allamah Sayyed Muhammad Baqir Khwansari, after he presents many proofs for the reliability of the book of Sulaym says :
"As about his book, it is the first book that has been written in Islam and narrations have been collected in it, and there are a large number of rare and original narrations in it"
[Rawdhaat Al Jannaat, v 4, pg 67]
16. Mohaddith Noori says :
"His book is of the famous Usool and our companions have many chains to that book"
[Mustadrak Al Wasail, v 3, pg 733]
17. Shaykh Muhammad Hashim Khurasani says :
"The book of Sulaym ibn Qays that he handed over to Aban ibn Abi Ayyash is famous"
[Muntakhab Al Tawarikh, pg 210]
18. Sheikh Abbas Qummi says :
"That is the first book that appeared among Shi'a and it is famous among the scholars of Hadeeth. Sheikh Kulayni and Al Saduq and other early scholars have trusted it"
[Al Kani Wal Al Qaab, v 3, pg 243]
19. Sheikh Abdullah Mamaqani says in Tanqih Al Maqaal after mentioning proofs that support the greatness of the book :
"Verily the Book of Sulaym ibn Qays is in highest position of reliability"
[Tanqih Al Maqaal, v 2, pg 54]
And he says in another position :
"His book is Saheeh (Authentic)"
[Tanqih Al Maqaal, v 2, pg 52]
20. Mirza Muhammad Modarris Khiyabani says :
"His book is famous and it is of the famous Four Hundred Usool and that is the first book that appeared among Shia, and Al Sadooq and Al Kulayni and other great scholars of Hadith fully trust it"
[Rayhanatul Adab, v 6, pg 369]
21. Agha Buzurg Tehrani says :
"The Asl of Sulaym ibn Qays Hilali and it is of the few Usool that have been written before the time of Imam Sadiq (as)"
[Al Dharia, v 2, pg 152, H 590]
He says in another position:
"This book of Sulaym is of the famous Usool known among Shia and Sunnis"
[Al Dharia, v 2, pg 153]
22. Allamah Syed Hassan Sadr says :
"He (ie. Sulaym) has a noble and great book, he has narrated from Ali (as) and Salman Al Farsi (ra) and Abi Dharr Ghaffari (ra) and Miqdad (ra) and Ammar ibn Yasir (ra) and a group of the heads of companions"
[Al Shia Wa Funun Al Islam, pg 68]
23. Allamah Sayyed Ahmed Safai Khwansari says :
"His book is of the biggest and oldest Usool, which is authentic and has been presented to A'immah (as), so they have authenticated it and have authenticated its narrations"
[Kashf Al Istaar An Wajhal Kutub Wal Asfaar, v 2, pg 130]
24. Allamah Amini says :
"The Book of Sulaym is of the famous Usool and in vogue in the early centuries, trusted upon among the scholars of Hadeeth of both sects and among the historians, and there are valuable statements about the book that we have collected them in a Risala, and we have mentioned this brief so that the reliability of the book among both sects becomes clear and that is what led us to quote his narrations in our book"
[Al Ghadir, v 1, pg 195]
25. Allamah Sayyed Shahabuddin Mar'ashi says in his annotation on Ihqaaq Al Haqq :
"It is of the oldest books among Shia and the most authentic one of them, even some of the opponents have testified to its authenticity"
[Ihqaaq Al Haqq, v 1, pg 55]
And he says in another position :
"It is a famous book, printed in many countries, trusted upon among our scholars and most of the opponents (ie. Sunnis). It has been praised by our masters, the infallible A'immah (as)"
[Ihqaaq Al Haqq, v 2, pg 421]