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Sayyidah Fatimah, Ahlulbayth, reply

Refuting the Fitnah Mongers : Part 2

  • admin
  • 2021-05-26


Refuting the Fitnah Mongers : Part 2

Accusation 1 :

Ibrahim ibn Muhammed al-Juwayni al-Shafii, relying on the isnad of Ali bin Ahmed ibn Masa al-Daqqaq from Muhammed ibn Aba Abdullah al-Kafi from Masa ibn Imran al-Nakhi from al-Nawfali from al-Hasan ibn Ali ibn Aba Hamzah from his father from Sa'ad ibn Jubayr from Ibn Abbas, has narrated saying that :

The Messenger of Allah ﷺ was once sitting when al-Hasan ع came. When he saw him, he wept. Then he said, 'Come to me, come to me, O son !' Then al-Husain ع came, then Fatima (sa) After that the Commander of the Faithful ع came. His companions asked him, and he answered them. Among what he ع said to them was: 'As for my daughter Fatima, she is the Head of the Women of Mankind. When I saw her, I remembered what she will have to endure after me. It is as if humiliation entered inside her house, violating her privacy, confiscating her rights, depriving her of her inheritance,breaking her side, causing her to miscarry as she will call our name: 'O Muhammed !’ but there will be none to respond to her. She will seek help, but she will not be helped"


Fara’id al-Simtayn, v 2, pg 34-35
Al-Saduq, Amali, pg 99-101
Ithbat al-Hudat, v 1, pg 280-81
Irshadal-Qulab, pg 295.
Bihar al-Anwar, v 28, pg 37-39 and v 43,pg 172-73
Al-Awalim, v 11, pg 391-92 in the footnote of which a citation of pg 48 of Ghayat al-Maram, pg 48 and pg 109 of Al-Muhtadir
Jala’al-Uyan, v 2, pg 186-88.

So if the Prophet knew this would happen what did he do to prevent it ?

Reply :

Yess ! The Holy Prophet ﷺ even after knowing that these tyrants would usurp the rights, burn her house, couldn't do anything because

It's the basic rule of Islamic Shariah "No punishment without committing the action...."

And these tyrants showed their true colours only after the martydom of the beloved Prophet ﷺ

By applying the same Logic, we ask Bakris the same question :

If the Prophet knew that his beloved uncle Hamzah would be killed, what did he do to prevent it ??

If Allah knew that Iblees would deviate people, what did he do to prevent it ??

If Allah knew that Prophet Yusuf would be tortured and thrown in well by his brothers, what did he do to prevent it ??

If Allah knew that Adam would eat from the forbidden tree, what did he do to prevent it ??

If Allah knew that the Bani Israel would worship the Calf after Moses went on mount Tur, then what did he do to prevent it ??

If Allah knew that Qabeel would kill Habeel, what did he do to prevent it ??

Accusation 2 :

If the Prophet knew that they (Abu Bakr and Umar) will deprive Fatimah of her inheritance then why didn’t the Prophet gather everyone and tell them that the one who takes her inheritance is a Kafir ?

Reply :

It is an established fact (in the Shia as well as Sunni school of thought) that Sayyidah Fatimah (sa) was angry with the tyrants when they usurped her inheritance. Did they (Abu Bakr and Umar) didn't hear the Prophet ﷺ saying :

"Fatima is part of me. Whoever angers her angers me, and whoever harms her harms me"

Sahih Bukhari, v 3, Kitab Al-Fazail, chp on the Virtues of Fatima, pg 1374 Sahih Muslim, v 5, p 54

Didn't they heard the Prophet ﷺ saying :

"Oh Fatima, verily God is angry when you are angry”

Al-Sawaiq Al-Muhariqa, pg 175

It is the core belief of every Muslim that anyone who causes discomfort to our beloved Prophet ﷺ is expelled from the boundaries of Islam.

The two tyrants by usurping the inheritance of Sayyidah Fatimah (sa) angered her, therefore they angered the beloved Prophet ﷺ and caused him great discomfort

So therefore we can conclude that the beloved Prophet ﷺ on numerous occasions of his life informed the people that those who angered Sayyidah Fatimah (sa), usurp her inheritance, cause discomfort to her, would be a cause for the anger of Holy Prophet ﷺ and the anger of Holy Prophet ﷺ would make a person to get expelled from the boundaries of Islam, and those who are expelled from the boundaries of Islam are automatically deemed as Kafir

Accusation 3 :

Tareekh al-Ya’aqoubi, v 2 pg 126

In al-Ya’aqoubi we read: It reached Abu Bakr and ‘Umar that a group of the emigrants and the supporters are having a meeting with Ali bin abi Talib in the house of Fatima, so they came in a group and charged towards the house, so Ali came out holding his sword and he was met by Umar who fought him and wrestled him and defeated him by breaking his sword then they entered the house of Fatima

Here something completely different happens,

‘Umar actually met Ali face  to face and defeated him, the Shias who claim that Umar was a coward, the man who ran away from the battlefields actually defeated Ali (the champion of Khayber) ??

Reply :

This narration is from the Ahle Tasannun book 'Tareekh al-Yaqubi' by al Yaqoubi

The books of Ahlus Sunnah aren't Hujjah upon us. So we do not accept narrations quoted from our opponents.

Yaqoubi was a Sunni historian. He used to work for the tyrant Abbasid administration. The ancestors of Yaqoubi were the relatives of the tyrant Abbasid Caliph Mansoor (the killer of Imam Jafer Sadiq ع). There are a number of narrations of him, which are not according to acceptable Shi'ite beliefs. For example: Although he mentioned that Imam al-Kazim ع was imprisoned, he did not mention that he was martyred by the order of Harun al-Rashid ل or the martyrdom of Imam al-Rida ع by the order of al-Ma'mun ل. At numerous instances he also praised Abbasid caliphate.

Secondly, in his book Yaqoubi didn't provide the chains of transmitters for his reports. He also did not cite the evidences of narrations as well. This method is opposite the validity approach

Plus, we find this report contradictory to many Shia reports in which Imam Ali ع defends Sayyidah Zahra (sa) and grabs Umar by his neck and resolved to kill him, but He ع remembered the oath given to Holy Prophet ﷺ and said :

"By the one who has honored Mohammed ﷺ with Prophethood, Oh son of Sahahhak, had the book of Allah not been in front of Me and the pledge taken from Me by the Messenger of Allah ﷺ , you would have known that you could not enter My house"

Kitab Sulaym bin Qays, pg 586, h 4

Here the author (Yaqubi) sidens with the tyrant Umar ibn al Khattab and tries to degrade the position of Imam Ali ع and it is the basic criteria amongst the Shii'tes that narrations are NOT ACCEPTED from those individuals who degrade the position of Imam Ali ع

Accusation 4 :

It is narrated from Imam Jafar Sadiq ع that when they forcibly brought Amirul Momineen  ع out of the house to compel him to pay allegiance, Lady Fatima (sa) also came out and Bani Hashim ladies accompanied her. When Lady Fatima (sa) came to the holy grave of the Holy Prophet ﷺ , she said: Leave my cousin alone, except for that God, who sent Muhammad with truth, I will expose my hair

Haqqul Yaqeen (eng), pg 330

Can you believe that the daughter of Rassul-Allah would threaten to do such an un-Islamic act ?

Reply :

Through this statement of Sayyidah Fatimah (sa), we clan clearly imagine the intensity of the oppression performed by the two tyrants on her. The tyrants kept on opressing her, so this statement was the last resort to stop the opression inflicted upon her. So therefore, by reading this statement, one can imagine the aggression, hatred and ruthlessness of those two tyrants who forced the daughter of the beloved Prophet ﷺ to utter such words in order to save her husband.

Secondly, if we analyse the situation and the place where this statement was uttered, we can clearly see that it was uttered by Sayyidah Fatimah (sa) not in front of the men, but at the graveside of the beloved Prophet ﷺ amongst the ladies of Bani Hashim

We now ask the Nasibi's that :

If you agree that Sayyidah Fatima (sa) uttered this statement, then it means you agree with the incident of the Burning Door, and you admit that the 1st and the 2nd Caliph were fighting against Imam Ali ع (your 4th Caliph).

Now we present you the hadith of the Holy Prophet ﷺ in which He ﷺ says :

"Ali is with the truth and the truth is with Ali"

Sunni refrence

Tarikh-e-Baghdad, vol 14, pg 321
Majma al-Zawaid, vol 7, pg 236

So it clearly means that fighting against Imam Ali ع means fighting against the Truth (Haq) and it clearly means that the 1st and the 2nd Caliph were on Baatil (falsehood) because they fought with Imam Ali ع

Now we present you with a clear un-islamic act performed by the so-called Umm al Momineen Aysha

"O wives of the Prophet! you are not like any other of the women; If you will be on your guard, then be not soft in (your) speech, lest he in whose heart is a disease yearn; and speak a good word. And stay in your houses and do not display your finery like the displaying of the ignorance of yore; and keep up prayer, and pay the poor-rate, and obey Allah and His Messenger. Allah only desires to keep away the uncleanness from you, O people of the House! and to purify you a (thorough) purifying"

Surah al-Ahzab, Ayat 32-33

This verse clearly instructs Prophet ﷺ 's wives to stay in their homes. Aisha's role in the battle of Camel is not only un-Islamic but also CLEARLY violates Allah's commandment

Accusation 5 :

Umar ordered the door to be set to fire, burning it. Umar pushed the door. Fatima met him face to face and screamed, “O Father! OMessenger of Allah !” He lifted his sword as it was still in its scabbard and hit her side with it, so she screamed. He raised the whip and hit her on her arm, causing her to scream, “O Father!” Ali ibn Abi Talib then leaped and pulled`Omer by his clothes, shaking him and throwing him on the ground. He smashed his nose and neck and was about to kill him. But he remembered what the Messenger of Allah  had told him and how he enjoined him to be patient, so he said to Omer, “I swear by the One Who honored Muhammed with Prophethood, O son of Sahhak, that had it not been for a Book from Allah which He already revealed, you would know that you would not be able to enter my house!” Omer sent for help. People came and entered the house. Khalid ibn al-Walid pulled his sword out of its scabbard in order to hit Fatima ! Ali attacked Khalid with his own sword, but Omer pleaded to Ali in the Name of Allah not to kill Khalid, so he abstained

Kitab Sulaym ibn Qais (edited by al-Ansari), v 2, pg 862-68
Bihar al-Anwar, v 28, pg 297-99 and v 43, pg 197
Al-Awalim, v 11, pg 400-04

Here it is Umar who hit fatima  with a sword and then with the whip but for some reason in this narration Ali forgets the “Will” of the Prophet and attacks Umar and beats him up grabbing him from his clothes but SUDDENLY as he was about to kill him he remembers the “Will” of the Prophet and leaves Umar alone

Does the infallible Imam forget ? How is it that he forgot the “Will” of the Prophet and then remembered it at the last moment ?

Reply :

It is nowhere mentioned in the narration that Imam Ali ع had forgotten the will of the beloved Prophet ﷺ . Here, the Nasibi's again prove their stupidity by not even knowing the basic difference between Remembering and Forgetting

Remembering : not to forget what you have to do/ to recall the information in the mind

Forgetting : Being unable to revoke memories

It is clearly mentioned in the narration that Imam ع remembered the will (and not forgot). He ع always remembered the will of the beloved Prophet ﷺ and this was the time to recall it. He ع could have easily killed Umar but because of the will he didn't. One must always remember that the patience of Imam Ali ع should never be misunderstood as his weakness. We prove our claim by quoting the following example from the Holy Quran

"Allah intends to keep away the uncleannes from you, O people of the House and to purify you (through) purifying"

Surah Ahzab, verse 33

Then the question arises

Should we say that Allah forgot to purify the Ahlulbayth ع but during the revelation of this verse He SUDDENLY remembered to purify them ?

No, Ahlulbayth were pure even before the revelation of this verse, but Allah during the revelation of this verse stated that He (azwj) intends to keep them pure. It doesn't even for moment makes one think that He (azwj) forget but SUDDENLY remembers to purify them. Remembering is not equal to Forgetting

Thus we can conclude by saying that this was another heinous attempt made by the Nasibi's in order to raise doubts regarding the incident of The Burning Door

Accusation 6 :

The Commander of the Faithful ع carried out her will. He did not inform anyone about her demise. At al-Baqi, he dug up forty graves during the night wherein he buried Fatima (sa). Then the Muslims, having come to know about the death and burial of Fatima (sa), went to the Commander of the Faithful ع to offer their condolences. They said, “O Brother of the Messenger of Allah ﷺ ! Order us to prepare her for burial and to dig up her grave.” He ع said, “She has already been buried, joining her father ع” They said, “We belong to Allah, and to Him shall we return. How can the daughter of our Prophet Muhammed ﷺ , his only offspring, die and we do not perform her funeral prayers?! This is truly very serious!” He ع said, “Suffices you what you have committed against Allah, the Messenger of Allah ﷺ and his Progeny. ByAllah! I would not violate her will which she entrusted to me, that is, that none of you should perform her funeral prayers, and there is no blame on one who carries out someone’s will.” Those folks shook the dust off their clothes and said, “We have to perform the funeral prayers for the daughter of the Messenger of Allah ﷺ” They immediately went to al-Baqi and found forty graves freshly dug up. They could not tell which one of them was hers. People exchanged blame and accusations and said, “You did not witness the demise of the daughter of your Prophet, nor did you perform the funeral prayers for her, and now you do not even know here her grave is so you may visit it!” Abu Bakr said, “Let a number of trustworthy Muslims dig up these graves till you find her grave so that we may perform her funeral prayers and visit it” The Commander of the Faithful ع heard aboutit, so he went out of his house angrily. His face was red with anger, his eyes burning, his cheeks puffed up, and he was carrying on his hand his yellow outer garment which he never put it on except on an ill-fated day. He was using his sword, Thul-Fiqar, like a walking stick till he reached al-Baqi. Prior to his arrival, news reached people that he was going there. A warner said to them, 'Here is Ali ع coming as you can see swearing by Allah that no brick of these graves will be moved from its place except that he will let his sword do its business against the unlucky from among this nation. People fled away in hordes'

Bihar al-Anwar, Vol 30, pg 348-50

Oh Ali where was all this bravery and anger when your wife was being slapped and whipped and crushed in front of your eyes while you sat on your bed ?

Reply :

I really don't know how many times we have to inform the Nasibi's that Imam Ali ع defended Sayyidah Fatimah (sa) and was able to kill the opressors, but it was due to the will of the beloved Prophet ﷺ and lack of faithful supporters that He ع preferred Patience over Rebellion.

Imam Ali ع said :

"By the one who has honored Mohammed ﷺ with Prophethood, Oh son of Sahahhak, had the book of Allah not been in front of Me and the pledge taken from Me by the Messenger of Allah ﷺ , you would have known that you could not enter My house"

Kitab Sulaym bin Qays, pg 586, h 4

We present our readers some points from the will of Sayyidah Fatimah (sa)

1. O Ali, you will personally perform my funeral rites

2. Those who have displeased me should not be allowed to attend my funeral

3. My corpse should be carried to the graveyard at night

Ibn Shahrashub, Manaqib aal Abi Ṭalib, vol 3, pg 137

Imam Ali ع did his best so that the will of the beloved Prophet ﷺ could not get violated. Similarly, after the martydom of Sayyidah Fatimah (sa) He ع tried his best so that Her (sa) will could not be violated. If the opressors exhumed the blessed grave of Sayyidah Fatimah (sa) and performed the funeral prayers upon her body, then Her will would be violated.

Except for special circumstances and only if the dead had been buried without having been given ghusl, or it was buried without a kafan, exhuming graves is PROHIBITED and this is unanimously agreed by all the sects of Islam. Didn't the so called Caliphs knew this ?

Didn't the so called Caliphs knew that exhuming the grave was a huge sin ?

The Nasibi's by posing this question try to portray Imam Ali ع as a coward (Nauzobillah). In history, we do find a similar incident occured with Uthman bin Affan

Al-Bidaayah wa Al-Nihaaya, v 7, pg 188

'Around the time of mid-day prayers, Uthman was inside the house with his wife Naila. Some Egyptian rebels climbed the houses of the neighbors and then jumped into the house of Uthman. They attacked his house setting the doors on fire. Na'ila, Uthman's wife, threw herself on his body to protect him and raised her hand to deflect a sword. She had her fingers chopped off and was pushed aside. The rioters looted the house and even snatched the women's veils'

In the books of history we do not find even a single narration showing that Uthman defended his wife, his house during the course of the attack even though he had the reins of the government in his hands and enough supporters to rebell

For the above mentioned statement, readers can refer to :

Al Nahaya, v 5, pg 80
Qamus, page 500 "lughut Nathal" by Firozabadi
Lisan al Arab, v 11, Chapter "Lughuth Nathal" pg 670
Sharh Nahjul Balagha, v 2, pg 122
Sheikh al-Mudhira, pg 170 (foot note) Al-Imama wa al-Siyasa, v 1 pg 52
Tarikh Mukhtasar al-Duwal, v 1, pg 55 Al-Mahsol, v 4 pg 343
Ansab al-Ashraf, v 6, pg 192-193
Tarikh e Tabari, v 8, pg 343

Oh Uthman were was your bravery when your house was being burned, the veil of your wife was being snatched, attacked and her fingers getting chopped in front of your eyes while you sat in your bed ?

In Minhaaj al Sunnah, v 6, pg 286, ibn Taymiyyah calls Uthman as the most patient amongst men due to this incident

We counter question the Nasibi's by asking :

Similar incident occurred with both Imam Ali ع and Uthman. We find that Imam Ali ع even though the government was not in his hands and he lacked supporters, he defended his wife while Uthman acted like a coward, didn't defended his wife, his house, even though the reins of the government was in his hands and had enough supporters to rebell. On the contrary we find you guys praising Uthman for it. Why this hypocrisy ??

Now the Nasibi's will bring a counter argument that Uthman was an old man during the course of the attack and this was the sole reason Uthman didn't defended his wife and his house.

Our rebuttal :

This cannot be used as an argument because the strength of elderly men at that time is not equal to the strength of elderly men at present. The elderly men at that time were as powerful as a warrior who fought battles. To proove our claim, we will cite the example of Janab e Habib ibn Mazahir

Even though his age was 75, he still fought for Imam Husayn ع in the battle of Karbala. Not only he fought the battle, but also killed 62 people of the enemy

(Refer : Nafasul Mahmoom, pg 124)


So therefore this argument of the Nasibi's proove nothing except their hypocrisy

Accusation 7 :

When Ali doesn't defend Fatima, she taunts Ali by saying

Mullah Baqir Majlisi writes:

Fatimah described Ali :

"You are hiding like a malformed foetus in a womb; you have ran home like those who are guilty of being untrustworthy and after having destroyed the strongest men on earth you have been overcome by these wimps !"

Bihar al-Anwar 43/148, al-Ihtijaj pg 145

Reply :

The Nasibi's out of their hatred towards Ahlulbayth deliberately took this narration out of its context

Context : This statement was issued by Sayyidah Fatimah (sa) not at the time of the incident of Burning Door, but rather after she gave the Fadakkiyah sermon

Secondly, the Nasibi's in order to deceive the common folks deliberately mistranslated this narration

The actual wordings of the hadith :

Allamah Majlisi writes :

Original hadith

Fatima (sa) said to Imam Ali ع :

"Oh Ali ibn Abi Talib, you have taken the position of fetus and sat like a suspected [criminal], after having destroyed the strongest men on earth you have been overcome by these wimps !"

Bihar al-Anwar 43/148, al-Ihtijaj pg 145

After studying the life of Imam Ali ع and Sayyidah Fatimah (sa) we can clearly see the love and respect towards each other.

Explanation :

"Oh Ali ibn Abi Talib, you have taken the position of fetus"

Here Sayyidah Fatimah (sa) compares the position Imam Ali ع with a a foetus. A foetus, if attacked, it is helpless. In the same way Imam Ali ع was also helpless

and sat like a suspected [criminal], after having destroyed the strongest men on earth"

Here, Sayyidah Fatimah (sa) states that even though Imam Ali ع defeated the strongest msn on earth, he had been dragged to the court like a suspected criminal by the opressors

"you have been overcome by these wimps !"

Here, Sayyidah Fatimah (sa) states that the weaklings had taken the advantage of the PATEINCE of Imam Ali ع and subjugated him

Thus, by analysing the wordings of this narration, one can conclude that Sayyidah Fatimah (sa) meant absolutely no disrespect by those comments. She was merely stating the obvious misfortune of Imam Ali ع and the oppression she and her husband had been subjected to

Reply 2 :

The Nasibi attempt to malign Ali bin Abi Talib (as) has failed again since the tradition has NO chain of narration, let alone a weak one. We should remind the present day Nawasib about the principle of debates pointed out by their filthy Imam Ibn Tamiyah in his authority work Minhaj al-Sunnah, Volume 8 page 41:

فإن أقل مايجب على المحتج بالمنقولات أن يذكر الإسناد الذي يعلم به صحة النقل وإلا فمجرد ما يذكر في الكتب من المنقولات لا يجوز الاستدلال به.

'At least what the arguer must do is mention the chains of narration to know the authenticity of the tradition, but only mentioning what drawing an inference from what is written in books is unacceptable'

Whilst there is no room for discussion on this baseless tradition, for the sake of discussion we would like reply to the Nawasib questioning how individuals that the Shias deem infallible (Masum) may quarrel with on another.

Reply 3 :

Tensions between Nabi Musa ع and the Angel of Death

We read in Sahih Muslim Book 030, Number 5851, Bab Fadail Musa :

Abu Hurraira reported that the Angel of Death was sent to Moses ع to inform of his Lord’s summons. When he came, he (Moses) boxed him and his eye was knocked out. He (the Angel of Death) came back to the Lord and said: You sent me to a servant who did not want to die. Allah restored his eye to its proper place (and revived his eyesight), and then said: Go back to him and tell him that if he wants life he must place his hand on the back of an ox, and he would be granted as many years of life as the number of hair covered by his hand. He (Moses) said: My Lord what would happen then He said: Then you must court death. He said: Let it be now. And he supplicated Allah to bring him close to the sacred land. Thereupon Allah’s Messenger ﷺ said: If I were there, I would have shown you his grave beside the road at the red mound.

This has also been reported in Sahih al Bukhari Book 23 Volume 2, Book 23, Number 423, Book of Funerals

Comment : 

This tradition has been narrated by Abu Hurraira and is places the Ahl’ul Sunnah in a dilemma. This is because both Hazrat Musa ع and the Angel of Death are infallible and here we see one infallible slapping the other so hard that the other loses his eye

Esteemed Imam of Ahl’ul Sunnah Nawawi in his Sharh Muslim, said :

أنه لا يمتنع أن يكون موسى صلى الله عليه وسلم قد أذن الله تعالى له في هذه اللطمة , ويكون ذلك امتحانا للملطوم

'It is possible that Allah allowed Musa to slap him (the angel of death) and perhaps this was a test for the one who was being slapped. Allah tests His creation in any way He likes'

We deem Imam Ali ع and Sayyidah Fatima (sa) to be Masum. When Sayyidah Fatima (sa) was deprived of the land of Fadak she (according to the Ahl’ul Sunnah) addressed ‘

Imam Ali ع in anger. Now we say IF there is any element of anger in the words of Fatima (sa), she might have been given permission for such an address (just as Musa was allowed to slap the angel). Similarly Imam Ali ع was to be tested for his patience by listening to the angry discourse of Fatima (sa) (just as the patience of the Angel was tested by Musa’s ع slap). In the same way that the dignity and honour of Musa and Malak ul Maut remained intact after this encounter, so do the dignity and honour of Imam Ali ع and Fatima (sa) after this discussion. As far as Abu Bakr is concerned, he is not Masum even in the eyes of Ahl’ul Sunnah. So when Sayyida Fatima (sa) was angry at him, it is evident that Abu Bakr was in the wrong. We need no explanation to understand his conduct.

Reply 4 :

The incident of Musa ع and Khider ع

We read in Surah Kahf verse 71:

'So they twain set out till, when they were in the ship, he made a hole therein. (Moses) said: Hast thou made a hole therein to drown the folk thereof ? Thou verily hast done a dreadful thing'

Let us see how the classical Sunni Ulema have translated the words ‘Imr’

“You are doing a dreadful act”

Tafseer khazan Volume 4 page 182

“Musa said have you killed an innocent person who had killed no one? verily you have committed a thing Nukr ‘MUNKAR’ act [prohibited, evil, dreadful thing]

Tafseer by Ashraf Ali Thanvi

Fakhrudeen Razi defined Nukr as:

'Worse (more evil) and this is a reference to the killing of the child which is worse then piercing the boat because the boat can be repaired'

Comment :

Both Musa ع and Khidr ع are Masum Prophets. One Masum is addressing the other in anger. Since there is always some wisdom in the words and actions of a Masum, a Muslim after reading these verses does not question them and Musa’s ع harsh words do not undermine the dignity of the two prophets

Reply 5 :

The quarrel between two angels

We read in Sura Sa’d (Ayat 22):

'When they entered in upon Dawood (David), he was terrified of them. They said,” ‘fear not! We are two litigants one of whom has wronged the other, therefore judge between us with truth and treat us not with injustice and guide us to the right way’

In 1927 Sunni publishers in Delhi, combined the Tafseer's of two Sunni scholars, Shah Rafiudeen and Ashraf Ali Thanvi in the marginal notes of page 640 we read:

'Some translators narrate a story here the major part of which has its origin in Judaism. However there is no tradition of the Holy Prophet ﷺ which makes it obligatory for us to believe in it. Therefore it is recommended to confine oneself to the mere recitation of this incident with the belief that only Allah knows of its wisdom as we know that the Holy Quran and all its topics are truth'


The Holy Quran has testified to the fact that the two angels came to Hazrat Dawood ع after a quarrel. This raises a question as to how Angels quarrel when they are Masum ? The Ahl’ul Sunnah have resolved this problem by declaring that since the Quran is the truth as is everything contained within it we should suffice to a mere reading of these verses and not say anything undermining the dignity of Prophet Dawood ع and two angels. By the same token, Sayyida Zahra (sa) and Imam Ali ع are Masum and their piety is certain. If the Ahl’ul Sunnah fail to understand any words spoken by either of them, they should suffice to mere reading of these words and not say anything against their honour just as they have abstained from saying anything against the honour of Prophet Dawood ع and the two angels. As far as Abu Bakr is concerned, no Quranic verse or Prophetic tradition testifies to his piety and purity. He is neither an Imam / Prophet, Angel nor Saint. So when he deprived Sayyidah Fatima (sa) of the land of Fadak, he was in the wrong. Since he is not a Masum we do not need any reason to justify his act.



    • Mohammed Ali
    • January 15, 2021

    Nice Blog

    • Raza Rizvi
    • January 15, 2021

    Good Blog

    • Qasim Ali
    • January 15, 2021

    Mashallah, Informative blog.

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