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Shia, hadith, Imam Ali (as)

Why did Ameer al Momineen (as) did not rebel against the two tyrants ? (Answered from Shia perspective) Part 1

Why did Ameer al Momineen ع did not rebel against the two tyrants ? (Answered from Shia perspective) Part 1

Elalul Sharaya by Sheikh Saduq, v 1, chp 122, h 7

"There was an argument in the Masjid of Kufa, so they said, "What was the matter that Amir al Momineen ع did not fight against the three (Abu Bakr, Umar, and Usman) just as He ع did against Talha, and Zubayr, and Ayesha, and Muawiya ?" So that reached Ali ع, and He (as) ordered a caller to call for the congregational prayer. So when they gathered, He ع ascended the pulpit. So He (as) praised Allah and Extolled Him (jjh), then said: "Group of the people ! It has reached Me (as) from you, such and such." They said, "Amir Al Momineen ع speaks the truth. We have spoken that"

He ع said: "For Me ع there is the Sunnah of the Prophets as an example with regards to what I ع do. Allah, the Mighty and Majestic Says in His (jjh) Book [33:21] "Certainly you have in the Rasool Allah an excellent exemplar" They said, "And who are they (Prophets) , O Amir al Momineen ع ?"

Example of Prophet Ibrahim ع

He ع said: "Ibrahim ع when he said to his people [19:48] "And I will withdraw from you and what you call on besides Allah. So if you all are saying that Ibrahim ع withdrew from his people without anything abhorrent hitting him from them so you would have blasphemed, and if you were to say that heas withdrew from them due to the abhorrence of what he saw from them, then the successor ع (of the Prophet ﷺ ) has more of an excuse for it"

Explanation :

Namrud put Prophet Ibrahim ع in fire, but still He ع did not revolt back, Why ? Was Prophet Ibrahim ع was (Nauzobillah) a coward ? Or do we deny the fact (of this event of putting Prophet Ibrahim ع in fire). The sole reason for Prophet Ibrahim ع remaining silent was because He ع lacked supporters. If He ع would have rebelled, then he would fight Namrud with what ? So what did Prophet Ibrahim ع did ? As mentioned in the Quranic verse [19:48], "He ع withdrew himself from his people"

Example of Prophet Lut ع

"And for Me ع is an example in His (Prophet Ibrahim`s) maternal cousin Lut ع when He ع said to His ع people [11:80] "Or I shall have recourse to a strong support" So if you were to say that Lut ع had strength over them, you would have blasphemed, and if you were to say that there was not strength for Him ع, so the successor ع (of Muhammad ﷺ ) has more of a justification for it"

Explanation :

The people of Lut ع were homosexuals, they used to rape travellers to satisfy their desires. They were not interested in women. So Allah in order to punish them, sent two angels in the form of humans. They looked extremely beautiful. They (the angels) came as guests at Lut`s ع house. As Lut ع knew that if the people came to know about these good looking guests, they would surely rape them (the guests). So Lut ع instructed his wife not to inform the people about the guests, but his wife did the opposite. She lit fire on the top of her house through which the people came to know about the presence of guests. Crowd gathered at Lut`s ع to rape the guest. Lut ع was helpless, alone Without Supporters, so he said [11:80] "Ah ! That I had power to suppress you, rather I shall have recourse to a support". Lut ع bear patience until divine chastisement befell upon his people

Example of Prophet Yusuf ع

"And for Me ع is an example with Yusuf ع ,when He ع said [12:33] He said: "Lord ! The prison is dearer to me than that to which they are calling me to. So if you are saying that Yusuf ع supplicated to His ع Lord and asked Him (jjh) for the imprisonment for Anger His Lord, you would have blasphemed, and if you were to say that what He ع intended by that was perhaps His ع Lord would be Angered against Him (as), so He ع chose the prison, then the successor ع (of Muhammad ﷺ ) has more of a justification for it"

Explanation :

Prophet Yusuf ع opposed Zulekha and her evil desires and as a consequence, she imprisoned Him ع . So why Prophet Yusuf ع did not revolt back ? Was He ع (Nauzobillah) coward ? The sole reason of Prophet Yusuf ع preferring pateince and prison over rebellion was because He ع lacked supporters

Example of Prophet Musa ع

"And for Me ع is an example with Musa (as) when he said [26:21] "So I fled from you when I feared you. So if you were to say that Musa ع fled from his people without fear for him ع , from them, so you would have blasphemed, and if you were to say that Musa ع feared from them, so the successor ع (of Muhammad ﷺ ) has more of an excuse for it"

Explanation :

After Moses ع accidentally killed a man from the people of Pharoah, unbeknownst to him, a plot was being conceived to execute Moses ع , but Allah`s relief came to him in the form of a warning from a secret believer from Pharoah`s inner circle [28:20] "And a man came from the city, running. He said: `O Moses, indeed the eminent ones are conferring over you [intending] to kill you, so leave [the city], indeed I am one of the sincere advisors" So Moses ع then fled Egypt. Why did Moses ع did not rebel against those who planned to kill him ? Instead of rebelling, Moses ع observed pateince and withdrew himself from the people because he lacked supporters

Example of Prophet Haroun ع

"And for Me ع is an example with Haroun ع when he said to his brother [7:150] He said: "Son of my mother ! Surely the people reckoned me weak and had well nigh slain me" So if you were to say that they had not weakened him and did not resolve upon killing him, so you would have blasphemed,
and if you were to say that they did weaken him, and did resolve upon killing him, and so it was due to that, that heas was silent from them, so the successor ع (of Muhammad ﷺ has more of a justification for it"

Explanation :

When Moses ع returned from Mount Tur, he found that the people of Bani Israel had started worshipping the Calf, Moses ع inquired from Haroun ع about the same, so Haroun ع said [7:150] "Son of my mother ! Surely the people reckoned me weak and had well nigh slain me" Why did Prophet Haroun ع did not rebel against those who worshipped the Calf ? Obviously Prophet Haroun ع wasn`t a coward, but he knew that he lacked supporters and the best thing for him at that moment was to observe PATIENCE

Example of Prophet Mohammed ﷺ

And for Me ع is an example of Muhammad ﷺ when He ﷺ fled from His people, and went to the cave out of fear from them, and made Me ع to sleep upon His ﷺ bed. So if you were to say that He ﷺ fled from His people without any fear from them, so you would have blasphemed, and if you were to say that He ﷺ did fear them, and made Me ع to sleep upon His ﷺ bed, and went to the cave out of fear from them, so the successor ع (of Muhamamd ﷺ ) has more of a
justification for it"

Explanation :

Holy Prophet ﷺ migrated to Madina when the Meccans wanted to kill him. So instead of rebelling and fighting back, He ﷺ he migrated. Would you call Holy Prophet ﷺ (Nauzobillah) a coward ? Obviously No ! The sole reason for migration and not rebelling against the Meccans was because he lacked supporters

In the end, by analysing this statement of Ameer al Momineen ع we can clearly conclude that it was due to lack of supporters, Imam Ali ع observed PATIENCE and did not rebelled against the two tyrants

(As per Shia perspective, part 1)

To be continued in Part 2
    • Mohammed Ali
    • January 15, 2021

    Nice Blog

    • Raza Rizvi
    • January 15, 2021

    Good Blog

    • Qasim Ali
    • January 15, 2021

    Mashallah, Informative blog.

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