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Imam Sadiq, Ahlulbayth, hadith

Burning the house of Imam Sadiq ع

  • admin
  • 2021-05-27


Burning the House of Imam Sadiq ع
The governor of Medina was instructed by the Caliph Mansur to burn down the house of Imam Jafer Sadiq ع

A History of Islam in Persia and Iraq, pg 115, 130-141

Al-Mufaddal ibn Umar has reported that:

According to a report, once Abu Ja'far al-Mansur ordered his governor of Makka and Madina, Al-Hassan ibn Al - Zayd, to set fire to the house of Jafar ibn Muhammad Al Sadiq ع to burn him to death he set fire to the house of Imam Sadiq ع In the fire, the door and the corridor of the house burned. The Imam came out of the house crossing the fire saying, 'I am the son of the Roots of the Earth [ie Isma'il (a) A'RAQ AL-THARA] I am the son of Ibrahim, God's Friend'

Al Kafi , volume 1, pg 473, h 1272

Mir'atul Uqool v 6, pg 28

Bihar Al Awaar , v 47, chp 5, h 186 b

We find in another report 

When al-Mansur ordered his assistant in Medina to burn the house of Abu Abdullah al-Sadiq (as), they prepared the firewood and placed it on the door of al-Sadiq (as) and set it to fire. And when the fire reached the corridor, the women inside the house screamed, and their voices rose. So, Imam al-Sadiq (as) came out whilst wearing a shirt, azar (garment wrapping the lower body), and shoes, and he was quenching and extinguishing the fire until he put it off.

The next day, some of his followers visited him to entertain him, so they saw him sorrowful and crying, they said: What is the reason behind your crying, is it because of the audacity of the people against you and your household, it isn’t there first time (to have done this) ?

The Imam (as) said: “No, but when the fire reached the corridor, I looked at my women and daughters running in the courtyard of the house from room to room, and from place to place, this happened whilst I was with them in the house. So, I remembered the horror the children of my grandfather al-Hussain (as) experienced on the Day of Ashura when the people attacked them, and their (opposition) caller called: Burn the homes of the oppressors!“

حرق دار الامام الصادق عليه السلام

لمّا أمر المنصور الدوانيقي عامله على المدينة أنْ يحرق على أبي عبد الله الصادق (ع) داره، فجاءوا بالحطب الجزل ووضعوه على باب دار الصادق (ع) وأضرموا فيه النار ، فلمّا أخذت النار ما في الدهليز تصايحنَ العلويات داخل الدار وارتفعت أصواتهم، فخرج الإمام الصادق (ع) وعليه قميص وإزار وفي رجليه نعلان وجعل يخمد النار ويطفئ الحريق حتّى قضى عليها، فلمّا كان الغد دخل عليه بعض شيعته يسلّونه فوجدوه حزيناً باكياً، فقالوا: ممّن هذا التأثر والبكاء، أمِنْ جرأة القوم عليكم أهل البيت وليس منهم بأوّل مرة؟ فقال الإمام (ع): “لا ، ولكن لمّا أخذت النار ما في الدهليز، نظرت إلى نسائي وبناتي يتراكضن في صحن الدار من حجرة إلى حجرة، ومن مكان إلى مكان هذا وأنا معهن في الدار، فتذكّرت روع عيال جدّي الحسين (ع) يوم عاشوراء لمّا هجم القوم عليهنَّ ، ومناديهم ينادي: أحرقوا بيوت الظالمين.”

المصدر: الشيخ عبدالوهاب الكاشي في كتابه مأساة الحسين بين السائل والمجيب في ص136

    • Mohammed Ali
    • January 15, 2021

    Nice Blog

    • Raza Rizvi
    • January 15, 2021

    Good Blog

    • Qasim Ali
    • January 15, 2021

    Mashallah, Informative blog.

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