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Tabarrah, Sayyidah Zahra, Laanat

What made Imam Jawad ع worthy of Imamah ?

  • admin
  • 2021-07-11

What made Imam Jawad ع worthy of Imamah ?

Imam Jawad ع struck his hands on the ground, raised his head towards the sky and said 

'I am thinking about my grandmother Fatemah (sa). By Ållah, I want to remove those two men (Umar la & Abu bakr la) from their graves, burn them, and blow away their remains in the sea. Imam Reza ع the kissed him on his forehead and said : "May my mother and father be sacrificed for you, indeed for YOU is the Imamah"

Bihar al Anwar, v 50, pg 59
Dalail al Imamah, pg 212

    • Mohammed Ali
    • January 15, 2021

    Nice Blog

    • Raza Rizvi
    • January 15, 2021

    Good Blog

    • Qasim Ali
    • January 15, 2021

    Mashallah, Informative blog.

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