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Sayyidah Fatimah, Ahlulbayth, hadith

Eid e Zehra (sa)

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  • 2021-10-14

Eid e Zehra (sa)

Eid-e-Zehra also known as 'Eid-e-Shuja' is the day that marks the end of the mourning period after the events of Karbala. It is celebrated on the 9th of Rabi Al-Awwal according to the Islamic calendar. It has been reported in some Shia traditions, that on this particular day, the second usurper of Islam namely Umar ibn Al-Khattab ل was eliminated.

Unfortunately, present day scholars have concealed and repressed a large part of the Shia heritage of Ahlulbayt ع from the general public. This is clearly demonstrated with regards to celebrating the death of Umar ل , the cruel vicious tyrant, the murderer of Sayyidah Fatima Zahra (sa) and her unborn son Al-Mohsin ع . These pseudo scholars have gone to great lengths to hide this celebration from the followers of Ahlulbayt ع . They have been very successful in their endeavour, as most Shia are blissfully unaware of this celebration. This kind of withholding information is something that we Shia accuse the scholars of the so-called 'Ahl ul Sunnah' of doing as they have been known to mislead their own people. However, it is a sad reflection when our own scholars of Tashayyu are also doing the same to the Shia.

What is also disturbing is that that past evidence shows that this blessed day was and should be recognised. Anybody who disputes this is clearly ignorant, as we are in no doubt that this celebration has the full approval of Ahlulbayt ع as past scholars have shown. Now here is the crux of this argument - under the guise of "UNITY" this celebration has been thrown under the bus, so to speak. Politics now dominates the Shia faith. Loyalty and devotion to Ahlulbayt ع has been replaced with, not wanting to "offend" the sensitivities of those who revere the enemies of Ahlulbayt ع . Of course, as a minority, we Shia must be sensible with regards to vocalising our delight at the elimination of individuals such as Umar ibn Al-Khattab ل since his followers make up a large percentage of those who have and would gladly murder innocent Shia

Eid e Zehra : A day of Eid for the Ahlulbayth ع

Bihar Al-Anwar, v 31, pgs 665 - 668

Al-Majlisi II :

However the famous date among Shia in all countries and all ethnicities in our times is ninth of Rabi Al-Awwal, and it is one of the Eids, and the evidence for it is originally what the noble Sayed Alee ibn Tawoos has narrated in his book Zawa'id Al-Fawa'id and also what Sheikh Hassan ibn Sulayman narrates in his book Al-Muhtadhar and the version presented here is from the latter, the version of Al-Sayyed will be mentioned in the book of Dua.

Narrated of the Shaykh, the jurist, Alee, son of Mudhahir Al-Wasiti, in a coherent and consistent chain of narrators, of Muhammad, son of Alaa Al-Hamadani Al-Wasiti and Yahya, son of Jurayh Al-Baghdadi, who both said: 

‘We disputed regarding (Umar) Bin Al-Khattab ل , and his affair was confusing upon us, so we all went to Ahmad Bin Ishaq Al-Qummi, companions of Abu Al-Hassan Al-Askari ع in the city of Qum. We knocked the door to him. An Iraqi girl came out from his door. We asked her about him, she said, 'He is busy with his Eid, for it is a day of Eid'

We said, ‘Glory be to Allah ! The Eids, Eids of the Shias are four – Al-Azha, and Al-Fitr, and the day of Al-Ghadeer, and the day of Friday’. She said, ‘But Ahmad Bin Ishaq reported from his Master ع Abu Al-Hassan Ali Bin Muhammad Al-Askari ع that this day, it is a day of Eid, and it is the most superior of the Eids of People of the Household ع , and in the presence of the ones in their ع Wilayah’

We said, ‘Get permission for us with the entering to see him, and let him know of our place’. She entered to see him and informed him of our place. He came out to us and he was trousered and there was a lovely apron around him, wiping his face (with it). We disliked that upon him. He said, ‘It is not upon you two for I was bathing for the Eid’. We said, ‘And is this a day of Eid ?’ He said, ‘Yes’ – and it was the ninth day of a month of Rabbi Al-Awwal.

They both said together, ‘He entered us into his house and had us to be seated upon a bed of his and said, ‘I had gone to our Master ع Abu Al-Hassan Al-Askari ع with a group of my brethren just as you to have come to me, at Sur Man Rayy. We sought permission with the entry and He ع permitted for us. We entered to Him ع in a day like this, and it is the ninth day of a month of Rabbi Al-Awwal, and our Master ع had instructed each one of His ع servants to wear whatever he can from the new clothes, and in front of himasws was an incense burner burning the wood (Oud) himself.

We said, ‘May our fathers and our mother be (sacrificed) for You ع , O son of RasoolAllah ﷺ ! Do You ع find happiness for the People of the Household ع during this day ?’ He ع said: ‘And which day is of greater sanctity in the presence of People of the Household ع than this day ?

And my Father ع narrated to Me ع that Huzeyfa Bin Al-Yaman entered during a day like this, and it is ninth from a month of Rabbi Al-Awwal, to see my grandfather RasoolAllah ﷺ . Huzeyfa said, ‘I saw my Master Amir Al-Momineen ع with His ع two sons Al-Hassan ع and Al-Husayn ع , eating with RasoolAllah ﷺ , and He ع was smiling in their faces and saying to His two sons Al-Hassan ع and Al-Husayn ع : ‘Eat, congratulation to both of you of the blessings of this day, for it is a day which Allah will Destroy His enemy and enemy of Your grandfather, and will Answer the supplication of Your Mother (sa) during it’ . Eat, for it is the day in which Allah accepts the deeds of Your Shias and those that love You. Eat, for it is the day in which would be ratified the Words of Allah : 'So, those were their houses, having fallen down due to their injustices' [27:52]. Eat, for it is the day in which would be broken the spine of the hater of Your grandfather ﷺ . Eat, for it is a day in which would be lost, the Pharaoh (against) People of the Household ع , and their oppressor, and usurper of their rights. Eat, for it is the day in which to Allah will proceed to what they have done of a deed, so He (azwj) will Make it as scattered floating dust [25:23]’

Huzeyfa said, ‘I said, ‘O RasoolAllah ﷺ ! And in Your community and Your companions there is one who would violate these sanctities ?’ He ﷺ said: ‘Yes, O Huzeyfa ! The false god from the hypocrites would preside upon them and he would use the showing off in My community, and call them to himself, and carry upon his posterity the eternal shame, and block the people from the Way of Allah, and alter His (azwj) Book, and change My Sunnah, and include (himself) upon the inheritance of My children, and install himself as a flag, and would encroach upon the Imamate from after Me. And he will legalise the wealth of Allah from without permissibility, and he would spend it in other than His (azwj) obedience, and he will belie Me and belie My brother and Vizier, and he would push aside My daughter from her right, and she will supplicate to Allah against him and Allah will Answer Her supplication during a day like this’

Huzeyfa said, ‘I said, 'O RasoolAllah ﷺ ! why don’t You supplicate to Your Lord against him so He (azwj) would Destroy him during Your lifetime ?' He ﷺ said: ‘O Huzeyfa ! I do not like to be audacious upon a Decree of Allah due to what has preceded in His (azwj) Knowledge, but I ask Allah that He (azwj) Makes the day in which he would dies, to be with a merit upon the rest of the day, for that to become a Sunnah to be followed with among one who love Me and Shias of People of My Household ع and ones who love them. So, He (azwj), Majestic is His (azwj) Mention Said to Me: “O Muhammad ﷺ ! It has preceded in My (azwj) Knowledge, if You and People of Your Household ع were to hold on to the tests of the world, and its afflictions, and injustices of the hypocrites, and the usurpers from My (azwj) servants, one who advised them and betrayed You, and were sincere to them and betrayed You, and cleared them and antagonised You, and pleased them and belied You, and saved them and submitted You. So, I (azwj), by My Mighty and My Strength and My Authority will Open up, upon the souls of the one who after You ﷺ usurps Ali ع of His right, a thousand doors of the fires from the lowest levels, and Make him and his companion to arrive to the bottom, so Iblees would overlook upon him and curse him. And I (azwj) shall Make that hypocrite to be a lesson during the Qiyamah to the Pharaohs (against) the Prophets ع and enemies of the Religion in the plains of the Resurrections, and I shall Gather their friends and the entirety of the oppressors and the hypocrites to the Fire of Hell to taste for epochs the shame and disgrace, being regretful, and I will Keep them there for eternity in it, forever and ever ! O Muhammad ﷺ ! Your successor ع will never be concordant in Your status except with what touches Him from the afflictions of His Pharaoh and His usurper who will be audacious to Me (azwj) and change My Speech, and associate with Me and block the people from My Way, and install a calf from himself for Your community, and disbelieve in Me regarding My Throne. I have Commanded My Angels in My seven skies, and to Your Shias and those that love You that they should have a festival (Eid) during this day which I (azwj) shall Capture him to Me, and I Commanded them that they Install the Chair of My Prestige parallel to Bayt Al- Mamour, and they should extol upon Me and seek Forgiveness for Your Shias and ones from the children of Adam who love you. And I have Commanded the two honourable recorders (for each person) that they should raise the pen from the creatures, all of them, for three days from that day and not write anything against them from their mistakes, as an honour for You ﷺ and Your successor ع . O Muhammad ﷺ ! I have Made that day as an Eid for You and for People of Your Household ع , and for one from the Momineen and Their Shias who follows them. And I Swear upon Myself, by My Might and My Majestic and My Loftiness in My Position, I shall Love the one who celebrates an Eid during this day anticipating the Rewards of the flag bearers. I shall let him interceded regarding his near of kin and with relationships, and I shall Increase in his wealth if he extends (spending) upon himself and his dependants during it, and I shall Liberated from the Fore, during every year during the like of that day, two thousand from Your friends, and Your Shias, and I (azwj) shall Make their striving to be Thanked for, and their sins Forgiven, and their deeds Accepted !'

Huzeyfa said, ‘Then RasoolAllah ﷺ stood up and entered the house of Umm Salama, and I returned from Him ﷺ and I was without doubt regarding the matter of the Shaykh (Umar), until he presided after the passing away of the Prophet ﷺ , and the evil was widespread and the Kufr returned, and he reneged from the Religion and rolled it up for the kingship, and altered the Quran, and burnt the door of the Revelation, and innovated the Sunnahs, and changed the nation, and replaced the Sunnah; And he rejected the testimony of Amir Al-Momineen ع and belied (Syeda) Fatima (sa) daughter of RasoolAllah ﷺ , and usurped Fadak, and gladdened the Magians, and the Jews, and the Christians, and angered the delight of the eyes of Al-Mustafa ﷺ but did not please (upset) Her (sa), and changed the Sunnah, all of it, and planted for killing Amir Al- Momineen ع , and manifested the tyranny, and Prohibited what Allah had Permitted, and permitted what Allah had Prohibited; And he cast to the people to take Dinars from the skins of the camels, and slapped the pure face ( of Syeda Fatima(sa) ), and ascended the pulpit of RasoolAllah ﷺ by usurpation and injustice, and fabricated upon Amir Al-Momineen ع , and was inimical to Him, and discredited His view’.

Huzeyfa said, ‘Allah Answered the supplication of my Master ع against that hypocrite, and his killing flowed upon the hand of his killer, may Allah have Mercy on him. I entered to see Amir Al-Momineen ع to congratulate Him of the killing of the hypocrite and his return to the house of revenge.

Amir Al-Momineen ع said: ‘O Huzeyfa! Do you remember the day in which you entered to see My Master RasoolAllah ﷺ , and I ع and His two grandsons were eating with Him, and He pointed you upon the merit of that day which you had entered to see Him ﷺ ?’ I said, ‘Yes, O brother of RasoolAllah ﷺ

He ع said: ‘By Allah ! It is this day which Allah Delighted the eyes of the family of the RasoolAllah ﷺ by it, and I ع recognise seventy-two names for this day’. Huzeyfa said, ‘O Amir Al-Momineen ع ! I would love it if I could hear the names of this day’, and it was the ninth day from the month of Rabbi Al-Awwal.

Amir Al-Momineen ع said: ‘This is the day of rest, and day of release of worries, and the day of Ghadeer the second, and day of shedding the sins, and the day of benevolence, and day of raising of the Pen, and day of guidance, and the day of well-being, and the day of Blessings, and the day of revolutions, and the day of Greatest Eid of Allah. And it is a day in which supplications are Answered, and the day of the great pausing, and the day to be complete, and the day of stipulation, and the day of removal of darkness, and day of the regret for the oppressor, and the day of breaking the spine, and the day of negating the concerns, and day of contentment, and day of displaying the power, and the day of surveying; and the day of happiness for the Shias; And the day of repentance, and the day of deputization, and the day of the great Zakat, and the day of the second (Eid ul) Fitr, and day of the reef torrents, and the day of swallowing the saliva (anger), and the day of pleasure, and the day of Eid of People of the Household ع , and day of victory of children of Israel, and day Allah accepts deeds of the Shias, and day of forwarding the charities, and the day of visitation, and day of the hypocrite being killed; And the day of known time, and the day of cheerfulness of People of the Household ع , and the day of the witnessed and the day of the witnessed, and day of the unjust one biting upon his hands, and the day of subduance upon the enemy, and the day of demolishing of the straying, and the day of caution, and the day of advancemen and the day of the testimony, and the day of overlooking from the Momineen ع ; And the day of Al-Zahra (sa), and the day of pleasance, and the day of more appreciation with it, and the day of removal of the authority of the hypocrite, and the day of payback, and the day of rest for the Momin, and the day of imprecation, and the day of priding, and the day of Acceptance of the deeds, and the day of augustness, and the day of broadcasting the secret; And the day of helping the oppressed, and the day of visitation, and the day of endearment, and the day of love, and the day of helping each other, and the day of cleansing, and the day of uncovering the innovations, and the day of ascetism regarding the major sins, and the day of exchange visits, and the day of advising, and the day of worship, and the day of submission’.

Huzeyfa said, ‘I stood up from His presence’ – meaning Amir Al-Momineen ع , and I said within myself, ‘If I had not come across from the good deeds and whatever I wish for the rewards with it, except the merits of this day, it would be my wish’.

Muhammad Bin Al A’ala Al Hamdani, and Yahya Bin Muhammad Bin Jareeh said: ‘Each one of us stood up and kissed the head of Ahmad Bin Ishaq Bin Saeed Al-Qummi and we said : ‘The Praise is for Allah Who Sent you for us until you ennobled us with the merits of this day’. And we returned from him, and we celebrated the Eid during that day

Footnote: Al-Majlisi II: Al-Sayyed Razzi ul Deen son of ibn Tawoos said:

'I have narrated it from the hand writing of Muhammad ibn Alee ibn Muhammad ibn Tay (r.a) and we have found in what we read from the books several narrations in consent with this narration (about Eid on the day of 9th Rabi Al-Awwal). So we relied upon it. thus we should respect this day being referred to (9th Rabi Al-Awwal) and display happiness in it'

Grand Ayatullah Sayed Ali Husaini Milani authenticates the narration of Eid (which is narrated by Ahmad bin Ishaaq) on the 9th of Rabi Al-Awwal. He says:

رواية أحمد بن اسحاق مقبولة عند العلماء

'The narration of Ahmad bin Ishaaq are acceptable near the scholars'

Now some will counter argue by presenting the statement of Nasser Makarim Shirazi criticizing Eid e Zehra (sa)

The Hawza's and scholars of Najaf severely criticized his statement

Al-Majlisi II :

The author (ie. Al-Majlisi II) says: 'It becomes clear from the narration of this great Sheikh the merits of this day and the occurrence of this blessed event in it, such that it has been narrated many narrations about it and it was famous among the Shia in those old times. And to my knowledge, there has not been narrated anything in contradiction to it and the consensus of the Sunni historians is not acceptable as contradiction against reliable narrations'.

Zaad Al-Mi'aad, pg 257 - 258

Sheikh Al-Jawa'iri : 

'As for performing ablution on the ninth day of Rabi'ul-Awwal, it has been told that this was the act of Ahmad, son of Ishaq Al-Qummi, (the companion of Al-Askari ع), because it was a day of Eid as mentioned in the narrations on the issue that causes happiness for the believers and grief for the hypocrites. And I have found a narration whose chain of narrators on the authority of the Prophet ﷺ about the virtue and the blessing of this day, and which states that it is a day of joy for them ع to such a degree that one's mind is amazed. This issue is detailed, and there is a statement on this due to that matter which coincides on this day. Hence we might say that performing an ablution during this day is recommendable based on its recommendation on events such as this, and especially since this day is an Eid for us and our Imams ع'

Jawahir-ul-Kalam, v 5, pg 43 - 44

Sheikh Al-Noori Al-Tabarsi and Sheikh Al-Mufid : 

'On the ninth day of it (the month of Rabi'ul-Awwal) is the day of the great Eid, and there is a lot of explanation on this issue in another place. The Prophet (saw) celebrated it and he instructed the people to celebrate it as well.'

Al-Noori Al-Tabarsi: What he says points to the reliability of the narration

Mustadrak Al-Wasail, v 2, pg 522 

Sheikh Abbas Al-Qummi : 

'The 9th of Rabi Al-Awwal: It is a great Eid and it is the Eid of Al-Baqr (stabbing ie. of Umar ل) and its explanation is long and is stated in its required place, and it is narrated that verily one who spends anything on this day will have his sins forgiven and its is said that it is Mustahhab on this day to give food to the believing brothers and to make them happy and to increase the spending on ones household and wear clean clothes and thank Allah (swt) and worship Him, and this day is the day of passing of distress and grief and it is a very noble day.'

Mafathi al Jinaan, pg 402

Abdul Hussain Al-Nishapuri (Modern Day Scholar): Chapter: "Death of Umar ibn Khattab"

'And this is a day of rejoice for Ahlulbayt ع , moreso this is a day of rejoice for messengers, angels, inhabitants of two gardens, and lovers of the Commander of the faithful ع and his pure children, because in it was answered the prayer of the oppressed mistress Faatima Al-Zahra (sa). And this is a great day and great holiday. And Prophet ﷺ gave an order for people to take it as a holiday and mentioned for it some deeds. And Allah (swt) would forgive the one who would gave charity on this day. And it is desirable in it to feed brothers, wear new clothes and distribute perfume, and thank Allah (swt) and worship Him. And it is desirable to make ghusl on this day. And for this day mentioned merits and names, amongst them: The greatest holiday of Allah (swt), second Ghadeer, Second Fitr, day of rejoice of Shias, the holiday of Ahlulbayt ع , the day of death of hypocrisy, day of acceptance of deeds, day of victory of oppressed'

Taqwimu Shia, pg 140 - 141

Marjah Taqlid Ayatollah Sadiq Al-Rohani :

Question :

What is your opinion about the "Eid Al-Zahra (sa)" gatherings ? Are these gatherings classified as unlawful games and idle talk ? And what about clapping in such gatherings ?

Answer :

'Organizing "Eid Al-Zahra" (sa) gatherings if they are empty of any prohibited activities are considered amongst the best means of seeking nearness to Allah (swt). As about clapping, as long as it is according to Islamic morals and does not contradict piety then it is fine'

'The hadith which speaks about this day, refers to it as the ‘Greatest Eid’ in the sight of the Ahlulbayth ع  and those who love and follow them. In Certain Traditions it is referred to as second Eid e Ghadeer'

(Ayatullah Sistani istifta, no. 32653113710)

A brief introduction to Janab e Abu Lulu (a.r)

His real name was Feroz Nahavandi. He had a daughter named Lulu (Pearl). Thus, he was known as Abu Lulu (Father of a Pearl).He was an expert blacksmith and carpenter

The Heroic Act of Assassinating Umar ل

'Feroz made a two-bladed dagger with the handle in the middle and with this he killed Umar ل . He then ran out of the mill where the act had been committed. Imam Ali ع happened to be sitting outside; as Feroz ran past, he rose and changed his seat. When pursuers came to Imam Ali ع they asked if he had seen Feroz. Imam Ali ع replied, 'As long as I have been sitting on this spot, I have not seen him' Having provided a temporary assistance for Feroz, Imam Ali ع then, with a special prayer, miracously transported him to Kashan.'

Mentioned in 'Shakh e Tooba' by Mohaddeth Noori (also the author of Mustadrak al Wasaa'el), pg 107

For this act, Feroz Nahavandi acquired the honorific title of 'Baba Shujauddin' (the honored, brave defender of the religion), thus the celebration is known as Jashn-e Omar koshi (the celebration of the killing of Umar)

What happened to Janab e Abu Lulu (ar) after killing the tyrant Umar ibn Khattab ل ?

'Then the Commander of the Believers ع gave him a book and said to him: ‘Take this and exit the city and read the opening of the book seven times and go to where you desire and reach there.’ So Abu Lulu did what the Commander of the Believers ordered him and he reached a place called Kashan'

Majma Al-Nurain by Al-Marandi, pg 222

And from these reports is what has been narrated by ‘Amad al-Deen Al-Tabari in his Al-Kaamil :

'And he (Abu Lulu) fled and went to the house of Ali and the Imam was sitting on a bench in his house, then he (the Imam) got up and sat on another bench. The people then came and were pursuing him (Abu Lulu) so Ali swore that ‘None came past me since I have been here.’ Then later, he made Abu Lulu mount his horse and said: ‘Descend to the place that this horse takes you to.’

And these two narrations and those like them have supported some of the reports of the old and classical scholars that Abu Lulu was able to escape immediately after killing Umar just like what has narrated by Ibn A’atham al-Kufi in Al-Futuh:

'Abu Lulu stabbed Umar three times; two of them were in his navel and a wound above his navel. Then he split the rows and exited fleeing.'

Al-Futuh by Ibn A’atham al-Kufi, v 2, pg 88

Just like it is supported by the silence of the narrations of the ‘Sunnis’ regarding what happened to Abu Lulu after (killing Umar). Their lying narrations that he committed suicide or that they killed him, do not mention what happened to him after. Such as how the prayer upon his corpse took place, and where was he buried, and what strengthens what our side has narrated, is when it is attached to their confusion how Abu Lulu died in Medina, which is enough to negate what they have narrated and verify what we have narrated. Therefore some of their narrations have stated: 

• That he committed suicide

• Have said Ubaidullah bin Umar killed him

•That Abdullah bin ‘Auf killed him

•And fourthly, that a man from Bani Tamim killed him

And other statements that cast doubt on the credibility of their reports.

In conclusion, we can say that Abu Lulu arrived in Persia and was buried in Kashan, in which it is not possible to doubt. 

Janab e Abu Lulu's (a.r) love towards the Holy Ahlulbayth ع

1. Abu Lulu said to Umar ل that why he had caused immense suffering to Imam Ali ع by killing his wife (ie: Sayyidah Fatimah س ) , the mother of Imam's ع , by usurping their land" after this Abu Lulu stabbed Umar ل

Tariq al Irshaad, pg 456

Asiab al Tabarrah, pg 17,18

Farhat al Zahraa , pg 125

Imam Ali ع told Umar ل :

'Abu Lulu will put an end to you, as God has given him this Tawfeeq. By God Abu Lulu will enter Paradise'

Irshaad al Quloob by Agha Hasab ibn Abil Hasan al Daylami, v 2, pg 285

Also in Mashariq ul Anwar by Haafiz Rajab ibn Mohammed ibn Rajab al Borsi, pg 79

Janab e Abu lulu fulfilling the prophecy of Sayyedah Zahra س 

Sayyedah Zahra س said to Umar ل :

'May Allah tear open your stomach like how you tore my paper'

Sharh Nahjul Balaagah, v 16, pg 235

Awalim al Uloom, v 11, pg 631

Imam Ali ع told to Umar ل :

'Indeed, I shall see you in this world killed by the stab of the son of the slave of Umm Mu'ammir; you will treat him unjustly, and he shall kill you! This shall be a success he will enter the Gardens (referring heavens), by Allah, despite your will'

al-Hidaya al-Kubra, by Al-Khaseebi, pg 162

Ibn Taymiyyah's hatred :

Ibn Taymiyyah :

'And therefore the person who killed Umar was an unbeliever, hating the religion of Islam. And he hated the Prophet ﷺ and his nation and his religion. So he killed him (Umar) out of hate of the Prophet ﷺ and his religion. And the one who killed Alee, used to pray, fast and recite the Qur'aan. And he killed him believing that Allah (swt) and his Prophet ﷺ would love him to kill Alee. He did this, out of love for Allah (swt) and his Prophet ﷺ according to him. Even though he was misguided (in this act) and a deviant'

Minhaj Al-Sunnah Al-Nabawiyyah, v 7, pg 153

Ibn Taymiyyah says :

'Abu Lulu is a Kafir according to the consensus of the people of Islam, he was a Majoosi (Zoroastrian) of the worshippers of the fire. He killed Umar due to his grudge for Islam and its people and due to his love for the Majoos (Zoroastrians), it was a revenge for all the Kufaar, this is because Umar was the one (the head of state) who opened their lands (for Islam) and killed their heads of state and who distributed their wealth..."

Minhaj Al-Sunnah Al-Nabawiyyah, v 6, pg 371

A number of historians and hadeeth recorders reported that Abu Lulu died while he was a Zoroastrian. After investigation, one can conclude such false claims had been fabricated as a part of the smear campaign. Reports had been fabricated in order to convince people that the murderer of Umar was not a Muslim. There is no clear evidence to establish whether or not he was a Christian or even a Zoroastrian.

Was Janab e Abu Lulu (a.r) a Majoosi/Christian ?

1. 'He (Feroz Nahavand) was a Muslim and died as one in Kashan'

Habib al Siraj, pg 489

2. 'He (Abu Lulu) was among the Shi'a (of Imam Ali ع )'

Nasekh al Tawarikh Tarikh al Khulafa, by Mohammed Taqi al Mulk Sipihr, v 3, pg 49

3. 'Abu Lulu was amongst the greatest Muslims and Mujaahid's in addition to being among the staunchest believer's of Imam Ali ع'

Riyaadh al Ulama wa hiyad al fu'dala by Mirza Abdallah Afandi, v 5, pg 507, under the chapter of " ل "

Also in Safinat al Biha'ar by Shaykh Abbas Qummi, v 7, pg 561, under the topic "Lulu"

4. Nimazi Al-Shahrudi Alee states :

And Al-Mirza Abdullah Al-Afandi said in Riyad what concludes the following conclusion: 'Aboo-Lu'lu'ah Piruz (Firuz) whose nicknamed Aba Shuja Al-Deen of Al-Nahwandi origin, born in Madinah, he killed Ibn Al-Khattab (Umar) and his story is in our book Lisan Al-Wa'idin. And then he mentioned what Al-Mirza has said Magdoem Al-Sharifi in his book Nawaqis Al-Rawafid, then he said: And know that Firoz; he was one of the greatest Muslims and Mujahideen, rather, even one of the devoted followers of Ameer ul Mo'mineen (a.s), and his brother was Zakawan, and he is Aboo Abil Zanad Abdullah ibn Zakawan, the scholar of the people of Madinah in obligations, in literature and poetry and Hadeeth and Jurisprudence'

Mustadrak Safinat Al-Bihar, v 9, pg 214

Janab e Abu Lulu al-Nahawandi (may Allah’s satisfaction be upon him) was not a Zoroastrian, but he was, in fact, a believing Muslim, and the accusations made against by Omar’s followers, claiming that he was a Zoroastrian, are nothing but slanders and lies! It is sufficient to prove his belief in Islam by merely because when he stabbed the accursed Omar, he was in the Holy Mosque of the Prophet. Some ‘Sunni’ narrations even mention that he was behind him between the rows of those who performed the prayers.

Let the ‘Sunnis’ explain to us how a disbelieving Zoroastrian was allowed entry by the Muslims to the mosque to pray inside ?

And how could he previously enter and exit the mosque before the incident took place, such as when he told Omar to rule against Al-Mughira, son of Shu’ba, whilst being inside the mosque ?

This means that he was a Muslim. If he wasn’t, then he wouldn’t have been allowed entry by the Muslims to the mosque.

Why did they even allow him to remain in the Holy city of Medina ?

The Prophet (may Allah’s blessings be upon him and his family) forbade the polytheists to remain in Medina as well as in Mecca. The fact that he remained in Medina during all those years proves that he was a Muslim. Moreover, the ‘Sunni’ scholars have acknowledged the fact that his daughter (Lulu) was a Muslim girl who believed in Islam, as mentioned by Al-San’ani in his Musannaf, saying:

'Then he (Ubaydullah, son of Omar) came to the daughter of Abi-Lu’lu’a, a little girl who believed in Islam, and he killed her. During that day, the city of Medina darkened upon its people.'

Musannaf al-San’ani, v 5, pg 479 Al-Muhalla, by Ibn Hazm, v 11, pg 115

Hence we know that Janab e Abu Lulu was a Muslim. The fact that a little daughter believed in Islam is evident to that her father had taught her about Islam, because – normally – if small children believe in Islam, they do so by following their parents! Also, the rest of Medina’s population – including those whom the ‘Sunnis’ label as ‘Sahaba’ (companions) – treated this girl as a Muslim girl, and the sadness they expressed for the unjust killing of her, by Ubaydullah, son of Umar, to such a degree that Medina darkened upon its people… All this is evident that her father was a Muslim. If he was a disbeliever, however, then none would have regarded his daughter as a Muslim, nor would anyone have grieved over her death, nor would anyone have demanded Ubaydullah, son of Omar, to be killed in revenge for his unjust act, because a Muslim shall not be killed if he is to kill a disbeliever. Additionally, the historians have confirmed that several of those whom the ‘Sunnis’ refer to as ‘Sahaba’ demanded Uthman, son of Affan, to kill Ubaydullah, son of Omar, due to his unjust killing of Abu-Lu’lu’a’s daughter. This confirms the fact that she was a Muslim, and hence her father is also a Muslim.

'Ali ع Miqdad (ar) and others who demanded Ubaydullah, son of Omar, to be put to death in revenge for his unjust killing of Abu Lulu's daughter (may Allah’s mercy be upon them both).'

Tareekh al-Tabari, volume 3, page 302, and Tareekh Dimashq, by Ibn Asakir, volume 38, page 68

For these reasons, we respect Janab e  Abu Lulu Feroz al-Nahawandi (may Allah’s satisfaction be upon him), who was a hero of Islam.



    • Mohammed Ali
    • January 15, 2021

    Nice Blog

    • Raza Rizvi
    • January 15, 2021

    Good Blog

    • Qasim Ali
    • January 15, 2021

    Mashallah, Informative blog.

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